To the one woman who never gave up on my dreams…
My mom.
You’ve always been there for me, I appreciate it. We have had a bond from the beginning, but it took me awhile to transition from a mother-daughter bond to a best friend bond but it’s something no one else can replace.
As we approach the day that my little girl arrives into this world I had some time to write down a few thoughts, that although are not said enough, I constantly think about every day.
I get my strength from you. It is odd to me that you can’t always see your own strength but never fail to tell me how strong I am. You question where it comes from.. it comes from you Mama.. You.
No matter what direction my life goes in, I know you are cheering me on. Sometimes you might think my decisions weren’t the best (like dying my hair black) but there you are silently praying it works out and always there in case it doesn’t work out.
No matter what happened growing up, I know you were always looking out for my best interest and fighting for me. Sometimes it probably didn’t feel like you were making the right move, but you did. I needed everything you did to make me see what was right and wrong. I needed to see that even if life gets scary MY strong mama got through it. To know what love can truly look like and what it doesn’t look like.
I need you to know that I saw your hard work to give me the best life. Even if you couldn’t be there with me all the time.
Thank you for answering every call about where I’d find things in the grocery store…
For letting me steal your clothes, even the ones I forgot to give back..
Thanks for crying with me, when my heart was breaking. For pouring the wine, when another dumb human made me angry and shopping with me when retail therapy was the only cure.
[NOT thank you for blaming me for you spending too much at hobby lobby though….that’s where I draw the line]
A bigger thank you for supporting me when I wanted to get married at 19… (Dear daughter of mine, you are NOT allowed to do that)… but you saw something that others couldn’t. You saw the same love that you have with your soul mate. A loving man who would be there for me even if he didn’t have to be. Someone to protect and provide for your little girl.
When I wanted nothing more but to become a mom, you moved mountains to make sure we would try everything under the moon to make it happen.
Without you my son would not exist, odd to say.. but for those who know my story, Yes- my mother held the camera while a doctor impregnated me with my son. Not something you hear everyday. But something she proudly admits.
Thanks for never correcting the cashiers about my son being yours and not mine… (Having a young good looking mother can back fire sometimes)
When we were ready to start the task of changing my fertility journey in hopes of a natural pregnancy.. you read every fertility book in the world, attended schooling and created a business not just to help me, but to help other women and families struggling with infertility, so that one day we could all become amazing mothers, like you. (https://fittoconceive.com/)
I am truly blessed to have such a beautiful, strong, supportive mother.You were the first person to love me, to teach me that being a mom can be so challenging but rewarding, and without you I wouldn’t have the passion (and stubbornness) to make that become a reality. I am so thankful to have you in my life. I’d be lost without you. I pray that my daughter and I become the best of friends and learn life together the way we did. I love you Mom. Thanks for being my best friend and never giving up on my dreams.

Awwww ? Your mom is pretty amazing and I am thankful she has been there for you in all the ways you need