Traveling with a baby/toddler can be challenging! Jackson and I completed our mission of 24 flights under 24 months. We…
“The probability of having a biological baby, is really, really, really unlikely.” “One in billion? Maybe” “Just relax, and you’ll…
My first post was to the Mother’s that get to celebrate this day with their kids. My heart aches to…
Writers block struggle bus! For like months.. As Mother’s Day approaches it seemed to be just the right subject to…
Hello October! Finally arrived at my favorite time of the year. 2017 has flown by!! It’s been a year today…
Guess who’s back, back again. Shiloh’s back, back again… I apologize for…
For the last six years I was in a rut. Full of darkness and unanswered questions haunting me. In the…