We wanted to enjoy one last weekend with Jackson as an only child, only to find out Mackenzie had other plans.
Our #OnlyChildAdventures weekend included a haircut, Jamba Juice date and the finale, The Zoo. Soaking up every moment of Jack before baby girl and sleep deprivation kicked in.
Fast forward to Sunday March 3rd, 2019.. Our last official day before our scheduled C-section. We packed up the car and hit the zoo. All seemed fine until after I went to the restroom. I came outside and sneezed.. Not gonna lie I thought I pee’d a little. We were finishing up and just had the carousel ride before we headed home. I told Jared I might have pee’d but it felt odd… they jumped on the ride as I was in denial that it was my water breaking but it just felt like too much liquid.. I gave in and went to the restroom, sure enough my water broke. Called my mom and then hospital to confirm it was my water.. Just our luck.
I knew baby girl was gonna come right before the ‘planned’ arrival. Nothing ever goes as planned in our lives ha. We were told to come into the hospital. So we headed home to meet the grandparents to watch Jackson, threw the hospital bag in the truck and off we go!
Registered, put back in triage and they hooked me up to the monitors. The nurse asked if I was okay? We both looked at her like what do you mean? I was having contractions back to back…I thought it was baby “stretching” pains for 2 days, mostly at night. I should’ve known something was off because it would stop me mid sentence from the uncomfortable pain. But it felt so different than when I had contractions with Jackson. If it wasn’t for my water breaking I probably would’ve been that lady that gives birth on the toilet. The next doctor came in and said ‘Okay we will bring you back for surgery within 30 mins’… My face went white. I was expecting us to spend hours there. Instantly started shaking and wanting to go back to the zoo. Everything happened so quickly.
A million different doctors came in prepping us for surgery.. I barely had enough time to text my mom to let them know what was happening. They wheeled me back to the OR, I entered without Jared as they gave me my spinal and catheter. Thankfully I did not have a bad reaction to the drugs this time, with Jack it felt like I couldn’t breathe and they had to calm me down. This time it was much smoother (except for the giant man that put all his weight on my stomach) The tent went up, Jared came in (video taped the whole gory experience) and within 4 minutes or so she was here.
Mackenzie Elizabeth Hope
born at 3:49pm
March 3rd 2019
6lbs 13oz

I was so stoked I got to hold her right away.
(I had to wait hours to hold Jackson because my bad reaction tip drugs and exhaustion from 28 hours of labor/emergency surgery)
I did start feeling a little sick after a couple minutes so they grabbed her and Jared waited in the recovery room as they stitched/stapled me up.
I was put back together but had to stay in recovery room a little longer than planned because I was bleeding too much. 2 bags of pitocin later and a suppository later they got it under control. Thank God I stopped taking my baby aspirin at 36 weeks even though my doctor told me not too.. I can’t imagine how much worse it could’ve been had I been on the blood thinners.
About 6pm we were taken to our room, patiently waiting for Jackson to arrive to meet his new sister.
He was instantly Big Bro Protective and wanted to hold her any time someone else had her. We had a few close friends visit us in the hospital. I was determined to make this recovery easier than Jackson’s. I was up walking by 9pm, even the doctors were telling me to ease up. 4 days later we came home. Grandma and Jack decorated for Mackenzie’s Homecoming.
Adjusting to a family of 4 (5 with Bear) was interesting the first week or two. Mama was having a hard recovery (although much better than Jackson’s recovery) chasing a toddler with your body feeling ripped in half is no fun. Things are starting to form a routine and Jackson is doing well with baby sister but still needs his own time (as expected). It’s been super helpful that Jared has been home with us. Breastfeeding is challenging, just for how tired I am and the fact that no one else has a boob to offer so I can get a break. I am pumping as well for freezer storage and the hopeful idea that I’ll jailbreak this house away from the kids at some point. Once I hit 50 bags I told Jared our first date will be my reward. I have 18 frozen bags and she is only 20 days old so I feel accomplished.
Family photos were a nightmare for Jack (seems to be a reoccurring event with toddlers) We tried an In Home newborn session in hopes that Jack would be more in his element.. we were wrong. Popped a staple during that fun time. I also spent the whole night before photos crying because I couldn’t find my wedding headband that I wanted baby girl to wear.. still MIA. I’m still crying a little.
Got cleared to drive earlier this week and after Mackenzie’s 3rd weight check up she is finally past her birth weight. She lost too much weight in hospital and they almost made us stay longer. Slowly getting our routine back on track and hopefully closer to recovery.
All in all we are very blessed, exhausted, but very very excited to finally have our girl with us. She is certainly a spit fire. Loves being held and when she feels like she isn’t getting attention she lets us know it. Last doctor appt she was 7lb 1oz 19 inches long! Can’t wait to see her personality blossom and REALLY can’t wait for her to sleep through the night (haha, but seriously.)

We have some family vacation planned this spring/summer along with wisdom teeth removal, and Jackson’s 2nd Birthday next week (where did the time go!?)
Stay tuned for more family adventures!

Wow!! Quite the journey. Thank God you are a spit fire too and handle all of the surprises and unplanned things.
Can’t wait to watch these kids grow and flourish. Love you all so very much.
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